Send an effective thank you message on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the essential network for professionals and businesses. It’s the best way to create connections with other professionals, share ideas and information, and find professional opportunities.

But there is an aspect often overlooked on LinkedIn, which is the basis of a professional conversation: the thank you message. 📩

Here we explain why and how to send a good thank you message on LinkedIn! 👇

What is a thank you message? 🤔

Thank you messages are messages that we send via LinkedIn to thank people for various reasons: the invitation to connect, accepting your invitation, inviting you to an event or a group, ...

The thank you message is also used to express your admiration for a person’s work, to contact someone after reading their content on LinkedIn, or to thank a person after an interview or meeting.

These messages are useful for your career or business because they help improve your B2B sales strategy and strengthen your professional image. However, these messages take time to write because they must be sincere and personalized. Therefore, you must be strategic in your sending.

Send a thank you message on LinkedIn: Why?

Sending a thank you message on LinkedIn is one of the best ways to maintain a good relationship with your connections. You prove to your contacts that you appreciate their content and that you share the same opinions and/or interests.

This demonstrates:

1. That you are aware of the help or opportunity you have been given.

2. That you appreciate their advice and support.

It is also an excellent way to stand out from other professionals, because many neglect this step. Thanks to these few lines, you will appear to the reader as a caring and grateful professional.

This LinkedIn thank you message can also be used to strengthen existing professional relationships.

If you have worked with someone on a project or participated in a productive meeting, it is important to thank them for their time. This can open a door to new professional opportunities.

In short, it is an important aspect of managing your professional relationships. If you don’t have time or are afraid of forgetting to send a thank you message, you can also automate this action… We’ll talk about it a little more down. ⏬

How to send a good thank you message on LinkedIn?

Thanks to concise and impactful text. 🥊

Well, not as much...
  • Use the right words, those that speak to your interlocutor. If you’re unsure about how you want to approach him, take a look at his posts to see the tone used.
  • Be specific, quickly explain how and why you are interested in this person.

Thanks to an automation tool

If you want to significantly increase the number of thank you messages sent, use the LeadnLead automation tool. 👋

  • Using triggers, you can send personalized messages to everyone who adds you to their network.
  • With these campaigns, you can send up to 100 connection requests per day. Once they are accepted, an automated and personalized message will be sent to your 100 new contacts to start the conversation.

But what’s the point of automating your messages on LinkedIn?

  • It’s a considerable time saver: you will be able to contact more people every day without additional effort.
  • You will be able to develop your network very quickly and improve your sympathy while boosting your visibility.

Our examples of automated messages on LinkedIn

After an accepted LinkedIn connection request (1)

“Hello [person’s name],

Thank you for adding me to your network! 🤝

I am very curious to know more about [the company and its field of activity].

Besides, I often publish posts related to digital communication and natural referencing (SEO).

Thanks to our articles written on the LeadnLead blog, we have now become a reference in terms of positioning on Google!

Would you be interested in discussing this subject?”

After an accepted LinkedIn connection request (2)

“Hello [person’s name] 👋

First of all, thank you for adding me to your network!

I have noticed your interest and expertise in [his field of activity] and I would very much like to discuss it with you.

Do you want to discover the 2023 trends in this sector?”

After receiving a connection request

“Hello [person’s first name]! 😉

Thank you for this invitation / for inviting me to join your network, I noticed that we shared the same ideas and interests in [field of activity]

I look forward to being able to exchange to enrich our expertise on this subject!”

To react to a post

“Hello [person’s first name],

I read your last post and I have already found myself in your situation.

However, I have a completely different feeling from you. Could we discuss this? 😉"

After having had an interview with a recruiter

“Hello [Mr/Mrs or recruiter’s first name],

I wanted to thank you for our exchange today. The dynamics of your company fits perfectly with my state of mind. The missions presented I undertake to invest myself fully in the projects which will be entrusted to me.

Thank you again for this moment, see you very soon.

To thank a client after an appointment

“Hello [Mr/Mrs or person’s first name],

I am sending you this message to thank you for the time you gave me today I was very happy to meet you and I am convinced that our collaboration will be enriching in both directions.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to do so. to answer you.”

Send an effective thank you message on LinkedIn - what you need to remember

LinkedIn is a social network which is based on human relations and not on commercial exchanges. The goal is to exchange between professionals or those. in the making, so that everyone can discuss their journey and share their expertise Obviously, it remains essential to communicate on LinkedIn and position yourself as an expert in your field. However, the key is to capitalize on your sympathy capital and highlight your interpersonal skills and personality Even if promoting your brand and finding customers on the network remains the main objective, it is important to act and communicate subtly to gain people’s sympathy and trust.

And above all, don’t forget that saying thank you costs nothing and always pleases… So for that, LeadnLead thanks you for taking the time to read this article 🫶.

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