Why prospect? 3 good reasons to use LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the most used professional social network in the world. The platform has more than 700 million users in more than 200 countries.

But how to position yourself on this social network intended for professionals?

If you want to develop your business on the LinkedIn network, we have defined for you the 3 good reasons to use LinkedIn.

Expand your professional network

Connect with people who express the same interest as you!

LinkedIn is a powerful network for expanding your professional network. You can easily find and connect with people who are active in your field or similar industries.

By creating connections, you can open yourself to new professional opportunities, get advice and mentors, and strengthen your credibility and visibility online.

LinkedIn is a powerful network for expanding your professional network. You can easily find and connect with people who are active in your field or similar industries.

By creating connections, you can open yourself to new professional opportunities, get advice and mentors, and strengthen your credibility and visibility online.

The advantages of LinkedIn:

  • The platform allows you to search for people based on their industry, position, company, geographic location and much more.
  • LinkedIn offers recommendation. This feature allows you to ask your contacts to highlight your skills to new contacts.
  • You can easily connect with professionals who work in different sectors of activity, or who even live in other countries. Being present on LinkedIn allows you to join and actively participate in discussion groups relevant to your field. This can help you meet people with similar interests and build relationships with professionals who could be valuable resources for your career.

Remember, LinkedIn is first and foremost a social network, so take the time to connect with people who share your interests and professional ambitions.

Show your expertise

Highlight your know-how… And your interpersonal skills!

LinkedIn allows you to share relevant content that highlights your skills and presents you in the best possible way to potential clients. However, it is up to you to develop a well-crafted digital strategy in order to capture attention and increase your visibility.

But don't forget: interpersonal skills count a lot! Use an engaging tone, engage your community through posts with open questions, stand out with your personality and ideas! For that, we advise you to read our article How to be visible on LinkedIn.

By posting regularly on LinkedIn, you increase your visibility and credibility with employers, potential clients and colleagues… As explained previously, you can join relevant discussion groups and participate in conversations on topics related to your field to strengthen your online presence and build relationships with other industry professionals. In short, being active on the network will be an accelerator for your career.

Find job or business opportunities

You can easily and quickly find job offers in your field, search for companies, key contacts and be aware of professional events that may be of interest to you. By using tools like LeadnLead, you can prospect and create connections again and get business, or a job.

Employment, let’s talk about it!

Using LinkedIn's search tools, you can refine your query to find specific job openings, potential employers, clients or business partners. LinkedIn also allows you to follow companies to stay informed about the latest news and job opportunities. Thanks to simplified applications**, the recruiter can have direct access to your CV via LinkedIn, which saves time for both parties.

From now on, you can retrieve B2B emails and legal information from companies (SIRET, SIREN, VAT), while respecting GDPR requirements.

How to recover this data? Go to point 4.

Why prospect? - what you must remember

From now on, you can retrieve B2B emails and legal information from companies (SIRET, SIREN, VAT), while respecting GDPR requirements.

How to recover this data? Go to point 4. If you're not yet using LinkedIn for your career or business, it's time to create an account! With a little effort on a content strategy and persistence, you can take advantage of all the features of this platform to advance your career and achieve your professional goals.

Thanks to LinkedIn, you can exchange, be visible, recruit or be recruited. It is an essential tool for any professional who wants to expand their network, show their expertise and find job or business opportunities.

Find prospects on LinkedIn, Customize your automation campaigns and get clients.
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