What are the numbers 1st, 2nd and 3rd on LinkedIn?

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd: we see them everywhere on LinkedIn.

You're probably wondering what these numbers mean next to LinkedIn users' names.

It's what ?  What are they for ? 🤔

LeadnLead gives you the answer right here.

On LinkedIn, the numbers 1st, 2nd and 3rd correspond to degrees of relationship. It refers to the level of relationship between you and another user on the platform. 

These degrees indicate how connected you are with other users. We'll explain it to you. 

Number 1, your direct connections

The number “1st” corresponds to the first degree of relationship. These are your direct connections. You are connected with them because you sent or accepted a connection invitation. 

This means you can view their full profile and communicate directly with these people.

The number 2nd, the connections of your connections

The number “2e” corresponds to the second degree of relationship. These are the connections of your connections

You are not directly connected to them, but you share a common connection

These relationships are therefore an opportunity for you to increase your visibility thanks to your common 1st degree connections. 

What you can do ✅

You can send a connection invitation with these 2nd degree users. 

???? The LeadnLead tip

Personalize your invitation messages with 2nd degree connections to search for more targeted professional opportunities!

To help you, here is How to use LinkedIn to develop your network? 📰

What you can't do ❌

You cannot send a direct message to your 2nd degree connections without having connected to them. 

???? The LeadnLead tip

If you want to skip this connection request step, you can always send them an [InMail](https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a546814/purchasing-and-sending-an- inmail?lang=fr-FR). Please note that InMails are paid LinkedIn features, which allow you to send direct messages to your 2nd and 3rd degree connections.

Number 3, off-grid people

The “3e” number corresponds to third degree users. These are the people who are not part of your network and with whom you have no relationships in common

You can add them directly, however the login button is not in the same place. 

🤩 The LeadnLead tip

You can directly contact someone who is not in your network by joining one of the groups they are a part of. 

Consult the “Interests” and “Groups” section.

If not, join this group and contact your lead directly.

What are the numbers 1st, 2nd and 3rd on LinkedIn? - What you must remember

To summarize, the numbers 1st, 2nd and 3rd are a bit like your social circle.

➡️ The 1st are the people who are part of your LinkedIn network. 

➡️ The 2nd are “friends of friends”, people with whom you have relationships in common. 

➡️ Finally, the 3rds are people with whom you have no relationship in common, they are unknown.

Relationship levels on LinkedIn are useful for managing your professional network. They allow you to understand at what level you are connected to other users, interact effectively with direct (1st degree) connections, and then expand your network by requesting 2nd or 3rd degree connections.

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