The 6 best real estate prospecting techniques

Today, we dedicate this article to you, real estate agents! 🏠

Why this sector of activity in particular? Because more than ever, you have the wind in your sails. ✨

Thanks to new programs dedicated to real estate such as “L’Agence”, Apartment or House Search, the job of real estate agent is a dream for many French people… And brings more competitors. 

So how do you stand out? How to be visible as an agency or young independent agent? 

In this article, we will discover the different methods of digital prospecting in the real estate sector (passive and active). 📰

We have also put together a list of the 6 best real estate prospecting techniques for finding clients. 🤝

Ready, set, prospect! 🚀

Real estate prospecting - the different methods

Real estate prospecting is a crucial step in finding clients for real estate professionals. It consists of identifying and contacting people or companies who may be interested in goods, whether for sale, purchase or location. 

But with increasing competition in the sector, it is important to find the best real estate prospecting techniques to stand out and succeed in finding new clients.

Active prospecting

If you are a growing real estate agency or a young real estate agent, you have already gone through active real estate prospecting

“Active prospecting, what is it? 🤔”

This is the direct prospecting method to obtain new mandates. ✍️

Here are some concrete examples of active prospecting techniques:

  • Directly contact your qualified prospects who publish real estate ads on dedicated sites or on social networks.

  • Cold calls or "cold calls" are still commonly used by real estate agents. The goal here is to search for new prospects. This technique, which has proven itself in the real estate sector, is however considered too intrusive by clients.

  • The follow-up of your prospects who have not followed up on previous collaborations. Maybe other properties will appeal to them!

By implementing these active prospecting techniques, you can generate new mandates and thus increase your income. 

Let's move on to the second technique, passive prospecting. 👇

Passive prospecting

Passive prospecting is a common technique in the real estate sector. 

More than anyone, real estate is one of the most field-focused activities. 

Therefore, you must target local customers and focus your communication on networks in this sense.

This can include a range of digital campaigns, such as:

  • the use of keywords for your SEO strategy, in order to develop a sales pitch linked to the customer's expectations. 🗝️

  • the production of content for your blog, specific and dedicated to your region. 📍

  • the use of social networks (we will return to this subject in a future part) 📱

  • the use of sites specializing in real estate advertisements, to target and win potential customers in your city 🗺️

Google My Business, your local ally 

This tool is essential for providing accurate information about your business, as well as links to your blog content to boost your online visibility

Thanks to My Business, you appear on Google Maps and in local search results. Being present on Google Maps improves your visibility and allows you to attract new customers.

Finally, it is important to include calls to action (CTAs) on your website to convert your qualified leads.

You will have understood, by thinking about a digital strategy while having direct contact with your prospects, you can improve your presence on the market and improve your conversion rate. 

The 6 best real estate prospecting techniques to find clients 

Use social networks

Social media is a powerful tool for reaching a large and diverse audience. 

But first of all, it is necessary to define your objectives: how old is your average target? What is their favorite network? Does your content match their tastes_? What does he want to see in his news feed? What type of account does your target follow?_

Based on these answers, you can now define your persona

You can therefore use social networks to promote your real estate listings and establish your online presence. But be careful, everyone has their own specificity. We'll explain it all to you right here.

Real estate prospecting on LinkedIn

As a professional social network, LinkedIn can be very useful for recruitment campaigns within your company. 

The network also allows you to share news about your company and your activities, and to maintain contact with your colleagues and collaborators.

Your LinkedIn profile must be carefully completed and highlighted through your professional background. 

To optimize your visibility and attract new talent to your real estate agency, it is recommended to regularly share professional content on your LinkedIn page. By professional content, we mean your latest properties put up for sale, your recruitment campaigns, key figures on real estate, etc.

By publishing relevant and interesting content, you attract the attention of potential qualified candidates to join your team, or simply new connections who will follow you for the content you publish.

Real estate prospecting on Instagram

It’s THE powerful platform for real estate businesses. 💪

To optimize your presence on Instagram, create engaging content that reflects your brand image and the values of your agency. 

With an attractive feed, photos ideally taken by a professional and short videos to present the property, it should not stay on the market for long...

Also, it is essential to measure performance indicators such as the number of views and new subscribers. 

Don’t neglect hashtags! 

It's important to use hashtags and emojis to make your posts stand out. Take the time to comment and like posts from accounts you follow to increase your visibility and interact with your community.

It is also crucial to respond to comments and messages to maintain active communication with your followers. Reels or short videos are a great way to grab the attention of your audience.

It's important to note that Instagram and Facebook are linked, and you can post to both accounts simultaneously to reach a wider audience.

Real estate prospecting on Facebook

It is a platform most popular with 25-34 year olds. (i.e. a broad target and in the age of future buyers) and used by agencies / agents.

The Facebook advantage: Marketplace

Facebook has strong added value compared to other networks: Marketplace

Considered the “” of the network, you can publish your real estate ads for free, which gives you an additional channel to present your products. 

Real estate prospecting via a website

Your website is the online showcase of your real estate agency. This is why it is essential to design it optimally, to help your clients quickly find real estate solutions adapted to their needs.

It is also essential to use a domain name consistent with that of your agency to make it easier for your potential clients to find you on the internet.

It is important to update your website regularly in order to maintain the attention of your prospects. 

You can also add a “New Offers” tab to your site to ensure that your content is up-to-date and to keep your prospects engaged. This will also help you improve your SEO through optimized content.

Finally, do not hesitate to discuss different subjects such as new real estate development projects in your region, blog articles on advice for buying or renting a property. This will reinforce your positioning as an expert in your field and attract potential clients to your agency.

Real estate prospecting via a Newsletter

The newsletter is an effective way to communicate with your potential customers and encourage them to be interested in your properties. Use email marketing tools like Mailchimp or Sendinblue to create personalized campaigns, segment your contact list, and track your campaign results. 📈

Nowadays, regular newsletters are an integral part of the digital communication plan. By organizing editorial content and planning the distribution schedule, considerable efficiency can be achieved at a reasonable cost. It is recommended to publish the newsletter at the beginning of the month to summarize the news of the previous month and inform recipients of upcoming events.

The 6 best real estate prospecting techniques - what to remember

There are several real estate prospecting strategies to attract new clients. By leveraging social media, enabling a quality website, strengthening partnerships with other real estate professionals, using email marketing tools, you can strengthen your presence in the real estate market and increase your chances of finding customers.

By taking a proactive approach and using the most effective techniques, you can improve your conversion rate and stand out in an increasingly competitive industry.

Find prospects on LinkedIn, Customize your automation campaigns and get clients.
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