How to Find Clients as a Freelancer?

When you first start freelancing, finding your first clients can be challenging.

Today, we will see how, thanks to LeadnLead, the long and tedious task of finding a client becomes a quick and automated action. 🤖

Ready, set, prospect! 🚀

Use LinkedIn Filters

When looking for clients, LinkedIn is a goldmine for finding opportunities.

However, finding the ideal client can be complicated. And guess what? That's where LeadnLead comes in. 👊

On LinkedIn, you can use advanced filters to precisely define your ideal client. You can add criteria like their industry, geographic location, job title, and more. By using these filters, you save valuable time and focus only on prospects who are likely to be interested in your services.

Import the List to LeadnLead

After defining your filters on LinkedIn, it's time to move to the next step: importing your prospect list to LeadnLead. Our extension allows you to manage and track your automated campaigns.

On the extension, you can customize your messages according to your leads. You can also schedule the sending of your connection invitations and follow-up messages. With this targeted and well-orchestrated approach, you maximize your chances of generating qualified leads.

Write Your Sales Pitch

Write Your Sales Pitch - Sending a First Message

Once your connection invitations are sent and you start building relationships with your leads, it is essential to have a solid sales pitch. 💪

You can customize your messages for each prospect using different variables. This will help you write a pitch tailored to the specific needs of the client.

Your sales pitch should highlight your value proposition, unique skills, and the benefits you offer your clients. Be convincing, clear, and precise in your communications to spark the interest of your prospects.

Check Your DMs!

Thanks to the strategic use of LeadnLead, you will see an increase in conversations in your inbox. Make sure to stay attentive and responsive to incoming messages.

Responding quickly and professionally to your prospects' messages is essential to maintain their interest and build a trusting relationship. Be ready to answer their questions, provide additional information, and schedule calls or meetings to discuss your services in more detail.

Prospecting Messages to Copy and Paste

Seize the Opportunity:

"Hello [[firstname]],

I am [Your Name], a freelancer specialized in [Your Field]. I noticed that you have needs in [Specific Field], and I am confident that I can help you achieve your goals. Can we discuss your project and how I can contribute to its success?

Best regards,

[Your Name]"

Address the Client's Need:

"Hello [[firstname]]! 👋

I took a look at your company and noticed that you are looking to [prospect's goal]. As an experienced freelancer in [Your Field], I have helped many companies achieve this type of goal. I would like to share some ideas with you on how we could work together to achieve your projects. Are you available for a call to discuss this further?

Have a great day,

[Your Name]"

Engaging Message:

"Hello [[firstname]],

Imagine for a moment how your company could benefit from a significant increase in [key result]. As a freelancer specialized in [Your Field], I can help you turn this vision into reality. Would you be open to a discussion on concrete ways to achieve this?

Have a great day!

[Your Name]"

Highlight Your Skills:

"Dear [[firstname]],

I recently worked with a company similar to yours, and we managed to increase [performance indicator] by [percentage]. I am confident that we could achieve equally impressive results for your company.

Can we take a few minutes to discuss this in person?

Have a great day,

[Your Name]"

Industry Trend-Based Message:

"Hello [[firstname]],

I wanted to inform you that the [Your Field] industry is currently experiencing significant growth due to [industry trend]. As a freelancer specialized in this field, I can help you capitalize on this opportunity and stand out from the competition. Could we discuss the strategies we could implement for your company?

Have a great day,

[Your Name]"

How to Find Clients as a Freelancer? - Key Takeaways

By implementing all these different steps, you optimize your efforts to find clients as a freelancer and increase your chances of success in developing your independent activity.

Find prospects on LinkedIn, Customize your automation campaigns and get clients.
Save 2 hours a day by automating your prospecting
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