4 methods for your LinkedIn prospecting messages + concrete examples

There is plenty of inspiration to sell on LinkedIn. But which LinkedIn prospecting messages actually work? Writing methods that convert and generate clicks?

At LeadnLead we tested several copywriting methods to sell our prospecting automation solution. We noticed that 4 methods stood out from the others: storytelling, focusing on benefits, urgency and social proof.

Before getting to the heart of the matter, taking the time to define what “copywriting” is.

Copywriting definition:

Copywriting is the art of writing to sell. More generally, write to persuade readers to carry out an action such as: buy, download, contact, request a quote, etc. In short, an action that allows you to achieve your commercial objective or quite simply to collect the data of your prospects.

Copywriting can use the cognitive functions of readers to capture more attention. This is also what we noticed in our various tests of LinkedIn prospecting messages. Here are the 4 methods that have proven to be effective.

4 copywriting methods on LinkedIn: 


Use the power of storytelling. Captivate your readers with an emotional, meaningful and authentic story. Readers are more likely to take action when their hearts are touched. Be transparent by telling the ups and downs of your professional journey for example.

Zoom on the benefits:

Avoid endless listing of your features. Talk about profits instead. Ask yourself the following questions: What would your customer do without your product or service? What can your product or service bring to them on a daily basis? How does your product or service address the problems faced by your customers?

The emergency:

Does the FOMO effect mean something to you? “Fear Of Missing Out” or, the fear of missing a good opportunity. This is symbolized by a countdown, an exclusive edition, limited stock, etc. The goal is to create a feeling of urgency to encourage your prospects to take action more quickly, or even *immediately *.

Social proof:

“User Generated Content” is all content generated and published by users of a brand on the Internet. Use testimonials, customer reviews, or statistics to prove the value of your product or service. Customers are more likely to buy when other people have already endorsed your product.

To go further in your LinkedIn prospecting messages: 

To help you write a prospecting message LinkedIn that will attract the attention of your recipient, we also advise you to add the following tips:

Personalize your message:

The reader feels more concerned when he understands that you are addressing him specifically. Take an interest in their job, their sector or use their first or last name when you address them. With an automated LinkedIn message sending solution, you have the option of using variables. Which allows you to personalize your messages and send them to more than a hundred people every day.

“Hello [Bruno], I saw that you work in [operational marketing]. Exactly, [...]"

Work on your hook:

Of course, LinkedIn is a professional social network. But that doesn't mean you have to be too formal. You can introduce with a humorous message related to current events or a sector of activity, or simply include a warm introduction with a friendly tone. Also, avoid using overly technical language, you risk losing your reader.

“Hello [Bruno], [...] I regularly post blog articles, e-books and LinkedIn posts around this sector. This might be helpful to you. Do not hesitate to have a look."

Propose a clear value:

Your message must clearly explain what you can offer to your interlocutor. Include information about the benefits you provide, the problems you can solve, and the results you have achieved for yourself or other customers.

“Hello [Bruno], I see that you are looking for a job. Let me give you a tip that was very useful to me: an automatic prospecting solution. This allows you to connect directly with the HR departments of companies and send personalized automatic messages. Conclusion, I was very efficient in my searches and I obtained 4 job interviews in a short time, including 1 conclusion on the job of my dreams! And all this, for free, thanks to the Freemium offer: https://leadnlead.com/. Good luck in your research and have a very nice day.”

Methods for your LinkedIn prospecting messages - what to remember

Using these writing methods, you can craft an effective LinkedIn prospecting message that will grab your recipient's attention and generate interest in your offering. Remember, personalization, friendly approach and clear value proposition are all key elements for a successful LinkedIn prospecting message.

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